Prayer is never just about you or me. It is about the fate and wellbeing of all of klal yisroel, including you and me. That’s why Daven For Me matches up people in need of similar tefilos. As we learn to set aside our own worries and say Tehilim for one another, the impact in heaven is indelible.
No tefillos are more powerful than those we offer up with love and compassion on behalf of a fellow Jew who’s awaiting a similar yeshua. When we choose to focus our kapitlach and pesukim on their needs, the answer to our prayers is never far away. So I’ll daven for you and you’ll daven for me. And we will both witness miracles, b’ezras hashem.
Joining this program is easy, absolutely free, and tremendously rewarding. You deserve to experience the yeshua you are pining for, so please apply today by filling in and submitting the form provided.
Each of our thousands of members recites 5 perakim of Tehilim daily on behalf of a fellow Jew. In turn, the recipient recites 5 perakim of Tehilim on their behalf. Gedolei HaTorah have endorsed and expressed their enthusiasm for Daven For Me.
Daven For Me is here for you and made possible by you.
If you have any questions or suggestions, pray tell.